Whistleblower Protection Lawyer Teaches DC Bar Course About Handling Whistleblower Cases


Whistleblower protection lawyer Jason Zuckerman lectured at a DC Bar course titled “Handling Whistleblower Cases: More Than the Basics.”  The course addressed the following topics:

Some might say whistleblowers are the lifeblood of government transparency. But, how, as attorneys, do you best represent those who wish to expose alleged wrongdoing of their employer? Where do you take them? Is there a difference between representing government and private whistleblowers? What if the information is classified and against the law to reveal, even to you as the attorney? What significant legal differences exist between protecting a whistleblower’s security clearance and other forms of reprisal? Learn how best to represent and protect whistleblowers from distinguished experts with years of practical experience from within and outside the federal government. This class will explore the applicable laws and provide practical anecdotes from various whistleblower scenarios and cases.

Zuckerman was privileged to appear on a panel with Daniel Meyer, Executive Director for Intelligence Community Whistleblowing & Source Protection, Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, and Mark Zaid, Law Office of Mark S. Zaid.

To learn more about the Whistleblower Protection Act, see our outline published by Practical Law:  Whistleblower Protections Under the Whistleblower Protection Act.

Experienced Whistleblower Protection Act Attorneys

Zuckerman Law has represented whistleblowers before the Office of Special Counsel, Offices of Inspectors General, and Congressional oversight committees.  The firm is uniquely qualified to represent whistleblowers in the federal government because two of the firm’s attorneys served in senior roles at the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

The firm has represented whistleblowers testifying before the House Financial Services Committee and vigorously opposed efforts to silence whistleblowers.  The whistleblower protection lawyers at Zuckerman Law have also helped federal employees combat unlawful gag provisions in agency policies or agreements.

If you are seeking representation in a whistleblower protection case, click here, or call us at 202-262-8959 to schedule a preliminary consultation.

Tags: Corporate whistleblower protectionSarbanes-oxley whistleblower protectionwhistleblower lawyerwhistleblower protection act