Matthew Stock is the Director of the Whistleblower Rewards Practice at Zuckerman Law. He is an attorney, Certified Public Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner and former KPMG external auditor. Mr. Stock has audited a broad range of industries, both domestically and internationally, including large publicly traded companies and financial institutions. As an auditor, Mr. Stock developed an expertise in financial statement analysis and fraud recognition.
At Zuckerman Law, Mr. Stock leverages his experience as an attorney, CPA, CFE and external auditor to assist whistleblowers investigate and disclose complex financial frauds to the government. His practice focuses on representing whistleblowers in reward cases under the SEC Whistleblower Program, CFTC Whistleblower Program, and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Sanctions Whistleblower Program. In addition, Mr. Stock assists whistleblowers in retaliation cases, analyzing a wide range of accounting issues, including financial statement fraud, inadequate internal controls, and issuer disclosure violations.
Mr. Stock has been quoted by and published articles in leading business, accounting, and legal periodicals, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, MarketWatch, inSecurities, Investopedia, ACFE Member Spotlight, ACFE Insights, Vox, Accounting Today, Going Concern, Law360 – Expert Analysis, The National Law Review, Government Accountability Project, CFO Dive, Investment News, S&P Capital IQ, Risk & Compliance Magazine, The D&O Diary, Lexology, JD Supra, Corporate Secretary, Compliance Week and other printed and electronic media. On June 28, 2018, former SEC Commissioner Kara M. Stein cited Mr. Stock’s article in her Statement on Proposed Amendments to the Commission’s Whistleblower Program Rules. On February 2, 2024, Senators Chuck Grassley, Elizabeth Warren, and Raphael Warnock cited two of Mr. Stock’s articles in a letter to the Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) concerning the implementation of its AML Whistleblower Program.
Prior to joining whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law, Mr. Stock worked at a tax whistleblower law firm where he assisted whistleblowers in large-scale tax evasion cases. Based on his experience representing whistleblowers, Mr. Stock was the lead author of the eBook titled Tips from SEC Whistleblower Attorneys to Maximize an SEC Whistleblower Award. Mr. Stock also recently discussed how the best whistleblower law firms advocate for whistleblowers on an episode of the podcast inSecurities titled Inside the World of Whistleblowers: A Conversation with Attorney Matt Stock, and on an episode of the podcast The Price of Business titled How Whistleblowers Can Report Wrongdoing and Earn Monetary Awards.
Mr. Stock graduated magna cum laude from Florida State University College of Law. In law school, he was a member of the Florida State University Law Review and a published author. His note, Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Statute: Who Qualifies as a Whistleblower, examined whether Congress intended to limit protections offered under the Dodd-Frank Act’s anti-retaliation provision to those who disclose information to the SEC. The U.S. Supreme Court decided this issue in Digital Realty Trust v. Somers, which was considered to be one of the most important whistleblower cases to come before the Court in years. In another note, Tax Whistleblower Statute: Obtaining Meaningful Appeals Through the Appropriate Scope of Review, Mr. Stock analyzed the appropriate scope of review for the Tax Court when whistleblowers appeal IRS award determinations.
Mr. Stock has published several articles about whistleblower rewards and protections, including:
- Whistleblower Incentives Strengthen Corporate Compliance Programs, Bloomberg (July 2024)
- AML Whistleblowers Serving a Vital Role Combatting Illicit Financing, National Law Review (May 2024)
- Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions Whistleblower Reward Program is a Force-Multiplier to Detect and Combat Terrorist Financing, National Law Review (May 2024)
- Financial Incentives for Sanctions Evasion Whistleblower Supercharge Sanctions Enforcement and Strengthen National Security, Lexology (December 2023)
- CFTC Whistleblower Program’s FY23 Report to Congress Reveals Continued Success of the Program in Protecting Markets and Customers, National Law Review (October 2023)
- How to Report Swaps Manipulation or Swaps Reporting Violations and Qualify for a CFTC Whistleblower Award, National Law Review (October 2023)
- How Whistleblowers Can Get Awards for Reporting Money Laundering or Sanctions Violations: A Whistleblower Lawyer’s Guide to the Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Program, Lexology (September 2023)
- SEC and CFTC Whistleblower Programs Reveal Continued Success Combatting Fraud and Protecting Investors, National Law Review (December 2022)
- Can Whistleblowers Disclose Secret Recordings to the SEC?, Lexology (February 2022)
- Biden Administration’s Anti-Corruption Strategy Enlists Whistleblowers to Combat Fraud, National Law Reivew (December 2021)
- SEC Whistleblower Program Attracts Record Number of Tips and Pays Record Awards in Fiscal Year 2021, National Law Reivew (November 2021)
- Annual Report of CFTC Whistleblower Program Reveals Continued Growth, Inluding 961 Tips in Fiscal Year 2021, National Law Reivew (October 2021)
- CFTC Shows Whistleblowers the Money: Implications of Record $200 Million Award, National Law Reivew (October 2021)
- SEC Awards $40M to Two Whistleblowers: Lessons for Prospective SEC Whistleblowers, National Law Review (October 2021)
- Why Congress Should Pass Whistleblower Protection Law, Law360 – Expert Analysis (October 2021)
- 5 Steps For a Successful SEC Whistleblower Tip – And Award, Law360 – Expert Analysis (June 2021)
- How to “Perfect” an SEC Whistleblower Tip, National Law Review (June 2021)
- 5 Reasons the SEC Whistleblower Program is a Success, ACFE Insights (January 2021)
- AML Whistleblower Rewards Law Could Be A Game Changer, Law360 – Expert Analysis (December 2020)
- Top 10 ways companies cook the books, AccountingToday (August 2020)
- More than 33,000 tips, $2.5 billion in financial remedies and $500 million in awards to investors — the SEC’s whistleblower program turns 10 years old today, MarketWatch (July 2020)
- How the SEC Whistleblower Program Has Changed Corporate Compliance and SEC Enforcement, The D&O Diary (July 2020)
- 5 Ways that Experienced SEC Whistleblower Law Firms Can Effectively Advocate for Whistleblowers, National Law Review (May 2020)
- 6 Reasons Why the SEC Whistleblower Program is Successful, Going Concern (May 2020)
- Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protection Post-Digital Realty, Government Accountability Project (February 2019)
- CFTC Whistleblower Program Annual Report Reveals Active Year and Success in Enlisting Whistleblowers to Combat Commodities Fraud, National Law Review (November 2018)
- Deceptive non-GAAP financials will lead to future SEC whistleblower awards, Accounting Today (May 2018)
- Tips for Whistleblowers to Qualify for an SEC Whistleblower Award, Risk & Compliance (January 2018)
- One Billion Reasons Why The SEC Whistleblower-Reward Program Is Effective, Forbes (July 2017)
- 15 Years of SOX: A Whistleblower Promise Unfulfilled, Law360 – Expert Analysis (August 2017)
- Sarbanes-Oxley 15 Years Later: Accountants Need to Speak Up Now More Than Ever, GoingConcern (July 2017)
- Shkreli Trial Reveals the Challenges Faced by Compliance Whistleblowers, The Compliance & Ethics Blog (July 2017)
- Auditors’ and accountants’ guide to SEC whistleblower awards, Accounting Today (April 2017)
- Draining the Swap Requires Robust Whistleblower Protections and Incentives, Emory Corporate Governance and Accountability Review (January 2017)
- Appealing an SEC Whistleblower Award Determination, National Law Review (September 2017)
- SEC to Announce Largest SEC Whistleblower Award to Date, National Law Review (July 2017)
- Can Whistleblowers Disclose Secret Recordings to the SEC?, National Law Review (June 2017)
- SEC Whistleblower Attorney: Benefits of Experienced Representation, National Law Review (June 2017)
- How to Report EB-5 Fraud and Earn an SEC Whistleblower Award, National Law Review (May 2017)
- CFTC Strengthens Anti-Retaliation Protections for Whistleblowers and Improves CFTC Whistleblower Award Program, National Law Review (May 2017)
- SEC Cracking Down on Ponzi Schemes, National Law Review (April 2017)
- EB-5 Visa Scandal Underscores the Critical Role Whistleblowers Play in Exposing EB-5 Fraud, National Law Review (April 2017)
- SEC Scrutinizes “Fake News” Stock Promotion Schemes, National Law Review (April 2017)
- Sarbanes-Oxley Protects Disclosures About Inadequate Information Securities Controls, National Law Review (April 2017)
- SEC Whistleblower Program: Exposing Insider Trading, National Law Review (March 2017)
- 5 Tips for SEC Whistleblowers and Lessons Learned from SEC Whistleblower Awards, National Law Review (March 2017)
- SEC Awards for Disclosures of Foreign Bribery or FCPA Violations, National Law Review (March 2017)
- Whistleblower Rewards and Bounties for Disclosures of Market Manipulation Schemes, National Law Review (February 2017)
- SEC Targeting Investment Adviser Fraud, National Law Review (February 2017)
- Compliance Personnel, Auditors, Officers and Directors Can Obtain SEC Whistleblower Awards, National Law Review (February 2017)
- SEC Whistleblower Program: What is the SEC Form TCR?, National Law Review (February 2017)
- Tale of Two Whistleblowers: Lessons Learned from Today’s SEC Whistleblower Award, National Law Review (December 2016)
- Trump Administration Should Avoid Gutting SEC’s Remarkably Successful Whistleblower Reward Program, National Law Review (November 2016)
- Whistleblowers Help CFTC Obtain Record Penalties for Commodities Fraud, National Law Review (November 2016)
- Report Underscores Importance of Whistleblower Rewards and Protections for Internal Auditors, National Law Review (November 2016)
- Whistleblower Protections and Incentives for Auditors and Accountants, Accounting Today (May 2016)
Mr. Stock is a member of the Florida and District of Columbia bars.