Whistleblower Protection Lawyer Cited in Wall Street Journal Article About Federal Whistleblower Protections

In an article titled Senior White House Officials Deny Writing Anonymous Op-Ed Piece, the Wall Street Journal cites whistleblower lawyer Jason Zuckerman about whistleblower protections for federal employees. The article states:

The Wall Street Journal couldn’t determine what action, if any, the administration will take, even if the White House is able to determine who wrote the piece. Political appointees are at-will employees and have less whistleblower protection under federal law than career civil servants, said Jason Zuckerman, a lawyer focused on whistleblower protections.

Whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law has represented whistleblowers before the Office of Special Counsel, Offices of Inspectors General, and Congressional oversight committees. Two of the firm’s attorneys served in senior roles at the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.

Recently, Bachman and Zuckerman released a guide for federal employee whistleblowers titled “The Whistleblower Protection Act: Empowering Federal Employees to Root Out Waste, Fraud and Abuse,” which is available for download here. The guide provides an overview of the WPA and offers practical tips for navigating some of the challenging issues that often arise in whistleblower cases. Topics covered include:


Whistleblower Protection Lawyers
Tags: law firm representing whistleblowerswhistleblower protection actwhistleblower protection attorneywhistleblower protection lawyerwhistleblower protections