Whistleblower Lawyer Jason Zuckerman Will Speak on Panel About Effectively Combatting Retaliatory Counterclaims & Countersuits

Jason Zuckerman, Principal of whistleblower law firm Zuckerman Law, will speak at a NELA conference titled Reining In Retaliation & Winning Whistleblower Cases on April 8-9, 2016 in Boston. The conference will review recent developments and analyze cutting-edge issues, as well as provide tips and tactics that can help you maximize your chances of success, whether you are representing clients before regulatory agencies, in mediation, or in court. Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the enforcement of retaliation and whistleblower protections with representatives from key federal agencies, and our expert panelists will address the unique issues applicable to particular groups, such as federal employees, corporate whistleblowers, and low-wage immigrant and guestworkers.

Zuckerman will join acclaimed employment lawyer Ellen Messing on a panel titled “Effectively Combatting Retaliatory Counterclaims & Countersuits.”  Whether rooted in overly broad confidentiality agreements, or undertaken in response to our clients engaging in informal discovery to support their claims, the prospect of facing even frivolous counterclaims can have a serious chilling effect on employees who are otherwise willing to stand up to unlawful activity in the workplace. Our panelists will review the current lay of the land in this dynamic area of the law, describe the types of cases in which the risk of counterclaims is particularly high, and suggest best practices for both avoiding (to the extent possible) retaliatory counterclaims and responding to them in the event they are brought against our clients.

Categories: Federal Whistleblower Protection LawWhistleblower ProtectionWhistleblower Protection LawWhistleblower Remedies
Tags: Corporate whistleblower protectionfederal whistleblower protectionwhistleblower protection lawswhistleblower remedies