Retailer Rue21 has been accused of promotion discrimination in violation of Title VII by financial manager Misty Parshall, according to the complaint below in Parshall … Continued
Ann Hopkins recently passed away, nearly 30 years after her seminal Supreme Court case helped to shatter the glass ceiling at Price Waterhouse. Hopkins played … Continued
Despite significant gains made by women and minorities across corporate America, a stubborn glass ceiling prevents them from advancing to the most powerful and highest … Continued
The proportion of African-American managers in financial services companies has actually decreased from 2007 to 20015, according to a Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) report released in November … Continued
Glass ceiling and promotion discrimination issues plague many professions, including economics, science, and technology fields. Add to this list the mutual fund industry, which is … Continued
Much attention has rightly been focused on the glass ceiling discrimination that exists in many of the most profitable industries in America, including the financial and … Continued
In glass ceiling, promotion discrimination, and harassment cases, an important source of information is often the way in which the company has treated other employees. … Continued
A recent paper on the glass ceiling and sexual harassment in the economics field has received a lot of attention. Like many industries, the economics field … Continued
You’ve been working in a high-level position with your company for years, and were recently passed over again for a promotion in favor of someone … Continued
What are back pay damages? In an employment discrimination lawsuit under Title VII, the basic definition of back pay damages is that it gives you … Continued
Last week, a federal court in New York gave final approval to a $32.5 million class action settlement alleging racial discrimination against African-American employees of MetLife. … Continued
This past week, a federal district court in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit issued a decision analyzing the pretext stage in … Continued